Housing Blocks and Large Asset Management

Large Blocks of Flats and Asset Management Efficiency

“How do we reduce costs and increase efficiency when maintaining large assets?” is a question that Property Managers are often challenged with. In this blog post, we will discuss one of the ways that you can reduce costs while still maintaining a high level of efficiency. We will also provide tips on how to measure […]

Providing a Flat Roof Inspection Report to satisfy your insurance company

.Industrial building warehouse drone roof inspection

It’s that time of year again where insurance companies are requiring roof inspection reports before they will renew your policy. This can be a huge pain, especially if you have a flat roof that accounts for over 30% of your overall roof area. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can provide a […]

Improving Efficiency of Building Management Using Drones

Identifying Water Incursion Risks and Thermal Qualities

Building management is a critical process that helps to ensure the safety and efficiency of structures. In recent years, drones have emerged as a powerful tool for surveying and inspecting buildings. Drones offer a cost-effective and safe way to scan and survey buildings for faults and areas in need of repair or attention. Building managers […]

What 5 Top Questions Do I Ask and Find a Drone Company Near Me?

Drone Service near me

What qualifications does the drone operator hold? Do they have relative PI & PL insurance and required drone insurance? Can they provide case studies and references? What outputs do you need and what can the drone company provide? What specialist area or areas does the drone company offer? Drones have been around for a while […]

Advantages of using drones for housing and property management

Maintaining property portfolios is a costly and time-consuming necessity for all property managers whether in the private, social housing or commercial sector. According to a recent study carried out by Connected Places Catapult “In social housing alone, more than £6.3bn annually is spent across the UK is on repairs and maintenance.” The approaches deployed by […]

Why You Should Check Before You Accept a Quote From a Roofing Company

Roofing repairs being carried out

Most people don’t check their roof and often only do so after a storm, when a leak occurs, or tiles fall down by which time more damage has been done than might have been avoided if checked earlier on. For a homeowner the next step is often to call a roofer to assess the roof […]