Case Study 5

High Accuracy Land Survey for Urban Planning

In modern urban planning, the demand for precise and actionable data is more critical than ever.

A recent urban development study, commissioned by an Oxford University, utilised drone surveys equipped with Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) technology and Ground Control Points (GCPs) to gather accurate geospatial data. This approach provided a robust foundation for informed decision-making in road planning, assessing human impacts, and addressing water runoff issues.



The project focused on a rapidly growing metropolitan area, spanning 1 mile x 0.75mile, that required a comprehensive urban model to consider how to optimise infrastructure planning and mitigate environmental challenges. Traditional survey methods were deemed too time-consuming and costly for the large area under consideration of the study, leading to the adoption of advanced drone surveying techniques.


      Equipment and Setup:

  • RTK-Enabled Drones: RTK technology was integrated into the drones to enhance positional accuracy during data collection.
  • Ground Control Points (GCPs): Strategically placed GCPs were used to further refine the accuracy of the survey data, providing a reliable ground reference.
  • Software Tools: Advanced photogrammetry software processed the collected data to generate high-resolution 3D models and maps.


  1. Pre-Survey Planning: Planners identified key areas for survey and determined optimal flight paths for the drones.
  2. GCP Placement: GCPs were distributed across the site to ensure coverage and alignment with geospatial data.
  3. Drone Flights: Drones conducted multiple passes over the site, capturing high-resolution imagery and positional data.
  4. Data Processing: The data, comprising of 20,000 images, 0.5TB of data, was processed to produce detailed digital elevation models (DEMs), orthomosaic maps, and 3D representations.
Dense Point Cloud Map of Urban Area Drone Survey


Accuracy of Data

The integration of RTK and GCPs achieved centimetre (±2.5cm) accuracy in the horizontal and vertical dimensions. This level of precision will be critical for:

  • Topographic Mapping: Accurate elevation data helped planners identify low-lying areas prone to flooding.
  • Infrastructure Alignment: Precise geospatial data allowed for the optimal placement of roads and utilities.

Insights for Urban Planning

  • Road Planning: The data provided detailed terrain models, enabling the design of roads with minimal environmental disruption and optimal traffic flow.
  • Human Impact Assessment: High-resolution imagery helped identify areas of informal settlements and potential urban sprawl, informing housing and community planning.
  • Water Runoff Analysis: DEMs revealed natural drainage patterns, guiding the placement of stormwater management systems and reducing the risk of urban flooding.


  • Time and Cost Efficiency: The drone survey was completed in a fraction of the time required for traditional ground surveys.
  • Scalability: The approach can be easily scaled to cover larger areas or repeated for ongoing monitoring.
  • Comprehensive Data: The richness of the dataset enabled a multi-disciplinary approach to urban planning.


The use of RTK-enabled drones and GCPs in this urban planning study project exemplifies the transformative potential of advanced geospatial technologies.


By providing highly accurate and detailed data, the survey empowered planners to make informed decisions that balance infrastructure needs with environmental and social considerations. This methodology represents a blueprint for future urban planning endeavours, offering a scalable and efficient solution to complex challenges.



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